China Artwork Program

World maps that show the coffee belt play an important role in Starbucks' artwork, being an educational tool for the customer. Each coffee growing region produces uniquely flavored and bodied coffees, and the maps help describe these special nuances in an artistic way.
  • ProjectCoffee Growing Regions
  • Year2014
  • CategoriesProject Management, Design, Art

These hand sketches visually tell the story of the journey of coffee - where it begins at the coffee farm to it’s destination in the coffee cup. These art pieces were designed to be versatile. They can be used individually or as a suite, and can be printed on a variety of substrates, or reproduced large scale for a strong impact.
  • ProjectFrom Bean To Cup
  • Year2014
  • CategoriesProject Management, Design, Art

This artwork shows the progression of the coffee cherry - from flowering through to ripe cherries. This piece is versatile in that it can be produced in simple linework, or color can be added.
  • ProjectBotanicals
  • Year2014
  • CategoriesProject Management, Design, Art